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What is knee joint preservation?

It includes different methods of treatment for knees with mild cartilage damage, meniscal or ligament tears. The key is early diagnosis of the problem and prompt treatment so that it does not worsen and require major surgery in the future! Knee Preservation includes the following treatment options Lifestyle changes Exercises Arthroscopy ACI

How can changing my lifestyle help preserve my knee joint?

Lifestyle plays an important role in joint health. This is especially true in someone who has been diagnosed with early arthritis, ligament or meniscal injury.

Keeping your knee muscles strong will help in improving the weight distribution on your knee joint.

Maintaining your ideal body weight also reduces the load on your knee and reduces the risk of further deterioration and damage.

A well-balanced diet, adequate in calcium and vitamin D will help keep your bones and cartilage healthy.

Regular exercises (like cycling, walking) help keep your bones and cartilage healthy.

Avoidance of certain activities based on your specific problem may be advisable to prevent further damage.

Certain protein supplements (glucosamine and chondroitin) may help in protecting the cartilage.